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CVE FIRE & SAFETY PTY LTD are the complete essential service agents, servicing all facets of Fire Protection. We are backed by the Fire Protection Association of Australia (FPA) - Australia's major technical and educational fire safety organisation dedicated to achieving continual improvement in fire safety.

Testing & Maintenance

  • Fire Indicator Panels

  • Emergency/Occupant Warning Systems

  • VESDA Systems

  • Automatic Sprinkler Systems

  • Fire Extinguishers

  • Hydrants and Hose Reels

  • Exit & Emergency Lighting

  • Gas Suppression Systems

  • Paths of Travel/Exit Doors/Smoke Doors




  • Fire Detection Systems

  • Emergency/Occupant Warning Systems



  • Fire Extinguishers

  • Fire Warden Training

  • Evacuation Plans

About & Subscribe
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